“Dr. Mark Dubiel Completed studies in human medicine. He obtained his doctorate at the universities of Marburg, Kiel, and Berlin, with additional study visits to Hong Kong, Beijing, and London. His specialist training was undertaken at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Vivantes Klinikum Berlin-Neukölln, and the Berlin Accident Hospital. He has been appointed Senior Physician at the Clinic for Internal Medicine/Cardiology at the Berlin Accident Hospital, a Charité Teaching Hospital under the direction of Prof. FX Kleber. He served as Senior Physician and Chief Physician Representative at the Department of Internal Medicine/Cardiology, Ev. Amalie Sieveking Hospital/Albertinen Heart Center, a teaching hospital of the University of Hamburg, under the leadership of Dr. M. Gasthaus. He is a member of the German Society for Cardiology (DGK), the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the Hamburg Sports Medical Association, and the German High-Pressure League (DHL). Now, he practices at Dubiel + Dr. Meyborg and Kollegen. He and his team combine primary care and highly specialised internal medicine under one roof. The clinic has several parking garages in the immediate vicinity.”
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